Thursday, 16 August 2012

Random Post/ Joined for Life

There is absolutely no excuse this time for my display of laziness last couple of weeks. No time to post or even check on my frequent bloggers. Struggling with this weakness. God help me.

How have y'all been? Got some sort of promotion at work. Promotion in job description/title, hope it comes with the financial benefits soon. So a little stressful joggling with the added 'new' responsibilities. Its a wonderful challenge and an interesting learning process.

Olympics has come and gone. I won't even bother to comment on our performance cos i decided to cut down on my criticism. New mantra is "Praise more...... Fault less". (But we no try sha.)
Beautiful games, lovely performances. Those athletes made me wonder why i didn't consider a career in sports. They made it seem so easy. Imagine jumping a 2M pole!!!........ Or running 100 meters in 9.63 like my brother Bolt (we actually have a striking resemblance believe me).

Was going through a newspaper a couple of days back and saw a picture of this wonderful conjoined twins

Abby and Brittany Hensel

Getting their driver's license

From the article, they are quite popular and was previously on Oprah's show years back. Their names are Abigail Lorraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel. The sisters who share a body but have 2 heads are dicephalic paraphagus twins. Born 7th March 1990, their parent rejected the option of separating them after hearing from doctors that it was not likely for both girls to survive the operation.

The Hensel twins have a single body with separate head and neck, a chest that is wider than normal, 2 hearts, 2 arms and 2 legs.
In conversation and personalities the twins are clearly distinct persons with distinct likes and dislikes. Their preference in food, clothing and color differs too.
Despite the curiosity that their condition has generated, the Hensel twins have managed to live private life with relatively little press attention.

Now this article got me thinking..... We find it extremely difficult to live with each other, we are quick to complain when we don't get things done our way. I can imagine the unconditional love this twins have for each other, sharing their illness, pain, happiness, joy.....  
The uncertainty about their future, not sure if they'll find true love.  
Reading this was truly an eye-opener and a message for complete acceptance of ourselves. God didn't make us with flaws, we sometimes see our imperfection as flaws but He made us all GOOD. 

PS: It does feel good to be back.


  1. as in..babes, i think u were right afterall that we always seem to be in sync cos twas on sunday i saw a newspaper containing ds article abt the Hansel twins and i was like gosh!!!!...this our God ehn, so mysterious!!!
    just look at them, its amazing how 2 people can live in one boday literally and not the two become one flesh sort of thing we mean when a couple decide to come together
    bolt the way ppl are shouting his name, they shd come and see the running of gala sellers/boys in our country naija and they'll know who sabi run pass
    its also good to have u back and im sure ure doing great with ur job promo and all..#Hugs#

    1. Yes o, how gala hawkers sure can run. Untapped talent there.
      Thanks so much dear.

    2. Those gala hawkers sure can run. Lots of untapped talent there.
      Thanks dear for dropping by.

  2. WOW! im just reading abt them
    congrats on your promotion:-)

    1. Thanks dear. Hope you're coping well with school stress.

  3. Congrats on your promotion. I also want promotion.
