The way parents dress their young ones these days is gradually becoming cause for concern.
I understand wanting our female daughter to look pretty and chic.
I understand keeping up with latest trend in fashion.
What i don't understand or find difficult to tolerate is young female scantily dressed in very revealing outfits, forcing them to become miniature adults.
Some parents dress their children irresponsibly in the name of fashion and expect them to dress responsibly when they grow up. That's not gonna happen. If you start at a tender age to dress them scantily, when they grow up they become Lady Gaga (pardon me Gaga's fans).
It all starts from the home, parents have a lot of role to play in this.
Children are on summer break so get to see all sorts. Go into any shopping mall or cinema these days and you'll be amazed at what they wear out. Teenagers in ridiculously short skirts and dresses are at every corner.
There's this 9 year old female that stays on my close, she's always dressed in micro mini-skirts and very indecent short knickers. She walks down the road and we are all forced to stare. Its not just her legs we're staring at, neither is it the confidence she exudes. Its the blatant seductiveness and sensuality in her stride. The other day, i caught her winking at a male teenager and had to blink to be sure i saw right. Does she understand the "game" she's playing?
There has been numerous stories in the past of child molestation. I can be very passionate about issues pertaining to sexual abuse particularly when it is committed by family members or people is the child's circle of trust. The blame goes primarily to the molesters but parents have a role to play in the way they clothe their wards. Stories are coming up daily of fathers sexually assaulting their children. We constantly hear of houseboys and relatives violating young ones, lots of pedophiles out there. Often times these children are innocent and may be unaware of the damage done to them.
We regularly hear that men are turned on by what they see; women by what they hear. Some men even get turned on for no excuse at all. Why don't we help these men; why constantly get them excited. Not just the adult females that are guilty of this, some of our "innocent" children are too.
A close friend that works at a General Hospital told me few days back about his 3 year old female patient. The mother complained that the toddler has itchy vagina. She assumed maybe sand got into the panties when she was playing during the summer class, or her daughter has very sensitive skin and reacting to the toiletries.
On examination, the mother wept profusely and started raining curses when she was told the state of her young child sexual health. I'm not gonna bore you with the details, but the doctor discovered that it was repeated sexual abuse. My heart weeps for her and for all other young children that has ever been violated.